A Bristow helicopter with registration No. 5NBJQ has crashed in Lagos. The helicopter was on its way from an offshore platform in Port Harcourt before it landed in water.Bristow Helicopters (Nigeria) Limited, the owner of the helicopter, confirmed the crash in a statement.“The aircraft, a Sikorsky S-76C++, had departed on a routine crew transfer flight offshore with nine passengers and a crew of two,” Bristow Helicopters said in the statement.Eleven people including a two-man crew survived the crash as they floated on the water with help of their life jacket.However, the identities of the affected persons were unknown at the time of this report.Bristow said, “all persons onboard are accounted for and in the process of being transferred to a nearby installation.“The company is in the process of collecting pertinent information and will release more details as soon as it is available.”
Source. Guardian News.