Tuesday, 29 March 2016


An Egyptian plane on a flight between Alexandria and Cairo was hijacked and forced to land in Cyprus by a man apparently distressed over a family matter.
After the EgyptAir plane landed at Larnaca airport, the hijacker released all the people onboard except four foreign passengers and the crew following negotiations, EgyptAir said.
About 60 people, including seven crew, had been onboard the Airbus 320, Egyptian and Cypriot officials said.
The pilot reported that the man was strapped with explosives, although this was not confirmed.
Citing security sources, Cypriot state media said that the motives of the hijacker appeared personal and he had asked to contact his ex-wife, who lives in Cyprus.
“It is not something which has to do with terrorism,” Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades told reporters.
Asked if a woman was involved he said “There is always a woman involved.”
There was some confusion over the identity of the hijacker.
Egyptian state media named him as Ibrahim Samaha, an Egyptian, but gave no other details about him.
However, Gamal al-Omrawi, a deputy dean at Alexandria University, said that Samaha was a passenger on the plane and not the hijacker. He said he had spoken by phone to Samaha, who confirmed that he was one of the passengers who was released.
The Civil Aviation Ministry said the plane’s pilot, Omar al-Gammal, had informed authorities that he was threatened by a passenger wearing a suicide explosives belt who forced him to land in Larnaca.
A Cyprus Foreign Ministry official said he could not confirm the man was rigged with explosives. The hijacking occurred in Cyprus’s flight information region.
Witnesses said the hijacker threw a letter on the apron of the airport in Larnaca, written in Arabic, asking that it be delivered to his ex-wife, who is Cypriot.
Passengers on the plane included eight Britons and 10 Americans, three security sources at Alexandria airport said. The Dutch Foreign Ministry said a Dutchman was among the foreigners still onboard the aircraft.
Israel scrambled warplanes in its airspace as a precaution in response to the hijacking, according to an Israeli military source.

Primary source: Channels

Monday, 7 March 2016

Gangster Buhari: See how Buhari looks in a gangster outfit.

Buhari looking quite cool as a gangster.
Lol...keep calm it's not him. Its is a Photoshop work. 

Sunday, 6 March 2016

See What a Graduate of Anambar University Uli wrote

I could not believe this when I saw
this. Both writer,editor and printer ought to be jailed for rape of language.


Author: Erika Anderson for Forbes Magazine.

I’ve always had a pretty good relationship with the idea of being a salesperson.  For some reason, even from an early age, I had it in my head that sales was simply about finding people who wanted what I had to offer. So, for instance, selling Camp Fire Girls candy in grade school held no terrors for me: I’d go around and ask people if they wanted to buy it, and if not, I’d ask the next person.  I figured there was no harm in asking, even if they didn’t want it - and them not wanting it didn’t have anything to do with me; maybe they didn’t like candy, or were on a diet, or had already bought some from somebody else.

And actually, that’s pretty much how I sell today, 50 years later.  When I hear of someone who seems as though he or she might have a need for what my company does, I’ll set up a conversation with that person.  When we get together, I’ll listen to find out whether my belief is accurate – whether he or she might benefit from something Proteus offers.  If so, I explain the service or product I think they might find useful. I ask if they’re interested in exploring a possible fit between their need and our offer.  If not, I assume it’s because they 1) don’t see the need in the same way I do, or 2) they believe they have a better way of meeting that need that doesn’t involve Proteus.  I may be disappointed, especially if I see the need clearly, and don’t believe the person is going to be able to be successful in solving the problem without us. But I also know there are lots of other possible clients out there (and lots of wonderful current clients to support, as well), so I’m usually happy to move on. Next!

I recently read a wonderful little book, Dan Pink’s To Sell Is Human, that reinforced these positive ideas I’ve had about selling for all these years. Pink talks about selling as “moving people” to behave differently or think differently – and points out that in today’s world, even people who don’t think of themselves as salespeople are selling indirectly much of the time.  Two areas of endeavor he uses as examples throughout the book are the medical field – where patients need to be ‘sold’ on adopting healtheir habits or following courses of treatment, and education – where students need to be ‘sold’ on the idea that learning what’s put in front of them is going to be worth their while.  Pink talks about the importance, in this new world of selling, of entering into any “moving” conversation in a collaborative, listening-focused way, as a partner who is a problem-clarifier and problem-solver.

At the same time, reading Pink’s book also made it much clearer to me why most people don’t view sales in such a positive light – why they have a ‘cringe’ relationship with the idea of selling. Pink cites lots of great research showing that rather than seeing sales as a collaborative, mutually beneficial process of finding a fit between need and offer, as I’ve described above, people tend to see it as manipulative, pushy, inauthentic, slightly sleazy.  Sales, for most people, evokes images of being glad-handed and lied to by some untrustworthy used-car-salesman-type in a shiny suit and bad toupee.  No wonder people think they don’t like to sell!

The problem with holding on to that old, outmoded conception of selling is that almost all of us need to be able to sell.  If you define selling, as Pink does, as ‘the art of moving others,’ we’re selling ideas, opinions, and proposed courses of action every day – to our kids, our boss, our spouses, our PTA group, our employees. And for those of us who are entrepreneurs or freelancers, even more of our time is spent ‘moving others’ to see that fit between our business or ourselves and their need.

So it makes sense to shift our ideas about selling – and that means (many of you know this is favorite topic of mine) changing our self-talk.  Here’s a quick and simple exercise for doing just that:

Recommended by Forbes


Photos: Top College In Every State

How Amazon Keeps Us Coming Back - Again And Again

It's the Customer, Stupid

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Photos: Top College In Every State

How Amazon Keeps Us Coming Back - Again And Again

1. Ask yourself: What words come to mind when I think of myself as a salesperson?

2. Listen to the response that arises inside your head:

    2a. If you find you’re thinking words like helpfulpartnerproblem-solverrelationship buildermutual benefit  - congratulations. You have the core mindset of a successful 21st century salesperson.

    2b. If your thoughts are running more along the lines of words like rejectionpushy,fakeannoyingunwanted,manipulativescary – I suggest you continue on to step 3.

3. What could you say to yourself that’s more positive and hopeful about the idea of you as a salesperson – yet still feels true to you?  I asked my husband (whose self-talk about selling is quite negative) and his response was, “I have a great product that some people will find useful. If people don’t want to buy it, it’s no reflection on me.” Great, simple, positive, accurate.

4. Once you’ve come up up with more supportive (yet still believable) self-talk, you’ll need to remind yourself to use it as a more accurate and helpful alternative whenever your old, unhelpful self-talk muscles its way toward the front of your brain.

Changing your mindset in this way is key to feeling differently – and then acting differently – about selling. And as selling starts to occupy a new place in your brain and emotions, you might feel comfortable enough to explore other ways to get better at it. And remember – this positive self-talk about selling will be hugely valuable to you whether your “product” is a great idea you want your boss to be open to considering; a proposal to your spouse about re-allocating household responsibilities; or the best car for the couple who have just walked into your showroom.

And if this whole area is interesting to you, here are two other articles to support your evolution as a new-style salesperson: The Unexpected Secret to Being a Great Salesperson, a post here on Forbes from earlier this year, and Sales Tips: 4Ways to Avoid Cold Calling, a post I wrote for the Salesforce blog.

Article was written by Erika Anderson.

The listed topics will be published with time

Nigeria vs Economy: The Shepard Blames The Sheeps.

 Nigerian President, Buhari,
has stated, criticising previous governments for an over-reliance on crude revenues.
Buhari said OPEC had to “act together to save the situation”. According to him, countries, including Nigeria, “have to live by” market forces, ruling out a Nigerian withdrawal from the body. 
“OPEC as an organisation has to be mindful of economic conditions in each member country because that will influence that country’s ability to go along with OPEC decisions. 
“Nigeria, we were unable to diversify our economy, hence we are much more disadvantaged by the lower oil prices and OPEC may try to help us out but really, it’s basically our own fault,” he said.

Sourced from Aljazeera News

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Sunday Good Living: Health Benefits of Lime

Health Benefits Of Lime

A study has brought out the numerous benefits that one could get from the use of lime for a healthy living.

According to the medical experts, who conducted the research on how to maximize lime in the cure of diseases, the health benefits of lime include weight loss, skin care, and improved digestion, relief from constipation, eye care, and treatment of scurvy, piles, peptic ulcer, respiratory disorders, gout, gums, and urinary disorders, among others.

The first fruit that comes to mind in terms of medicinal uses is the reliable lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many advanced medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, has been used for ages in the treatment of various ailments.

Lime is consumed throughout the world in the form of sorbet, beverages, refreshing cocktails, pickles, jams, jellies, snacks, candies, sugar boiled confections and in cooking.  The oil extracted from its peel or skin is extensively used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetic products, hair oils, toothpastes, toilet and beauty soaps, disinfectants, mouth washes, deodorants and innumerable other products. There are many varieties of lime found all over the world, particularly in the tropical and the Mediterranean climates.


Benefits and medicinal uses of lime



Lime is very well-known as a cure for scurvy, the disease which is caused from a deficiency of vitamin-C. It is characterized by frequent infections that show as normal cold symptoms, cracked lips and lip corners, ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth. You can also spot scurvy from spongy, swollen and bleeding gums. Since its cause is a deficiency of vitamin-C, its remedy is none other than vitamin-C, and lime is full of this essential vitamin.

In the past, soldiers and sailors were given lime to keep them safe from scurvy, which was a horrible and potentially fatal disease back then. Even now, it is distributed among the workers working in polluted environments like furnaces, painting shops, heat treatments, cement factories, mines, and other dangerous work environments to protect them from scurvy.

Skin Care


Lime juice and its natural oils are very beneficial for skin when consumed orally or applied externally. It rejuvenates the skin, keeps it shining, protects it from infections and reduces body odour due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin-C and Flavonoids. Those are both class-1 anti oxidants, and have antibiotic and disinfectant properties. When applied externally on skin, its acids scrub out the dead cells, cures dandruff, rashes, and bruises. It can also be used to create a refreshing bathing experience if its juice or oil is mixed into your bathing water.



Lime has an irresistible scent which causes your mouth to water and this actually aids primarydigestion (the digestive saliva floods your mouth even before you taste it). The natural acidity in lime does the rest. While they break down the macro molecules of the food, the Flavonoids, the compounds found in the fragrant oils extracted from lime, stimulate the digestive system and increase secretion of digestive juices, bile and acids. This flood of flavonoids also stimulates the peristaltic motion. This is the reason behind lemon pickle with lunch and dinner being a traditional practice in India and various neighbouring countries in that region.



Primarily, the ample amount of acids present in lime helps clear the excretory system by washing and cleaning off the tracts, just as some acids are used to clean floors and toilets. The roughage in lime is also helpful in easing constipation, but the most beneficial element is the high acidity. An overdose of lime juice with salt also acts as an excellent purgative without any side effects, thereby providing relief fromconstipation.



According to the American Diabetes Association, limes and other citrus fruits are considered a diabetes super food for a number of reasons. Mainly, the high levels of soluble fiber found in limes make it an ideal dietary aid to help regulate the body’s absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, reducing the occurrence of blood sugar spikes that are a serious risk to diabetic patients. Also, limes and other citrus fruits have a low glycemic index, which means that they will not cause unexpected spikes in glucose levels, in addition to the benefits of soluble fiber’s effect.

Heart Disease 

That same soluble fiber which can help diabetics maintain their blood sugar levels can also lower blood pressure and eliminate the presence of LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol). Furthermore, soluble fiber can cut down on inflammation of the blood vessels, which is a known preventative measure against heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Peptic Ulcer


In addition to vitamin-C, lime contains special compounds called Flavonoids (Limonoids such as LimoninGlucoside) which have antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic and detoxifying properties that stimulate the healing process of peptic and oral ulcers.


Respiratory Disorders

The flavonoid-rich oil that is extracted from limes is extensively used in anti-congestive medicines such as balms, vaporizers, and inhalers due to the presence of Kaempferol. Just scratching the peel of a lime and inhaling it gives immediate relief for congestion and nausea.

Eye Care


Vitamin-C again! Its anti-oxidant properties protect eyes from aging and macular degeneration. On top of that, flavonoids help protect them from infections.




One of the many causes of arthritis is an excess of uric acid that builds up in the body. Uric acid is one of the waste products that normal urination will clear out of the body, but unfortunately, when too much builds up, it can make the pain and inflammation from arthritis even worse. The citric acid found in citrus fruits like limes is a solvent in which uric acid can dissolve, increasing the amounts that are eliminated in the urine. Citrus fruits in general have anti-inflammatory properties, and can be used for a number of inflammation issues.


If someone is suffering from a fever, limes and lime juice can be of great importance. Citrus fruits in general have fever-reducing qualities, and if the fever is very high, the patient’s diet should be restricted to lemon juice and water. However, if the fever is mild to moderate, other fruit juices, particularly citrus juices like lime juice, can be administered in order to bring the fever back to a manageable level. Vitamin-C, found in high concentrations in citrus fruits, naturally lowers the temperature of the body.


There are two main causes of gout. The first source is the accumulation of free radicals in the body, and the second is accumulation of toxins in the body, primarily uric acid. Limes can help prevent both of these causes.  It is a wonderful source of antioxidants & detoxifiers (vitamin-C & Flavonoids) which reduce the number of free radicals as well as detoxifying the body.


The root cause of gum problems is a deficiency of vitamin-C (Scurvy, which gives bleeding and spongy gums) and microbial growth. Sometimes, the ulcers come from physical trauma. In all of these situations, limes can help. Its vitamin-C cures scurvy, Flavonoids inhibit microbial growth and potassium and Flavonoids help heal ulcers and wounds.



Since lime helps heal ulcers and wounds in the digestive system and excretory system while providing relief from constipation, it eradicates all the root causes of piles. Piles are a different term for hemorrhoids, an uncomfortable condition that occurs in the anal region and can result in bleeding and discomfort both during excretion and general activity. It can also lead to certain forms of cancer, and limes can help prevent their formation or recurrence.


Although it has disappeared in many parts of the world, cholera is still a dangerous and deadly disease in some places on the planet, and luckily, limes and other citrus fruits can help defend against this often fatal condition. The lime juice, when added to potentially infected water, proved to be a very effective disinfectant, and even when it was consumed regularly after someone had been exposed to cholera-infected water, fatalities were reduced.Numerous studies were done on this application of lime juice, particularly following the horrible outbreak of cholera in Guinea-Bissau in 1994.


Weight Loss


A glass of warm water with a full lime’s worth of juice in it is an excellent weight reducer as well as a brilliant refresher and antioxidant drink. The citric acid present in lime is an excellent fat burner. You can consume two glasses a day and see legitimate and remarkable results within a week.


Urinary Disorders


The high potassium content of limes is very effective in removal of the toxic substances and the precipitates which get deposited in kidneys and the urinary bladder. The disinfectant properties of limes also help cure infections in the urinary system. Furthermore, it stops prostrate growth (very common in males above 40) and clears blockage of urine that can come from calcium deposits in the urinary tract.


Other Benefits

It is a good appetizer and digestive. It can help to cure rheumatism, prostate and colon cancer, cholera, arteriosclerosis, fatigue and even high fevers (contrary to popular belief). The best part of it is that it has no negative side effects!




Megyn Kelly Eats Trump for Lunch on Fox news

Megyn Kelly showed why Donald Trump has been so afraid of facing her by completely owning him at the Fox News Republican debat.

Before the clips rolled, Megyn Kelly said, “Mr. Trump, one of the things that voters love about you is that they believe you tell it like it is, but time and time again in this campaign, you have told voters one thing then reversed yourself in weeks or even sometimes days.”
Kelly used three sets of clips of Trump giving differing statements on troops staying in Afghanistan, George W. Bush lying about Iraq, and whether the US should accept Syrian refugees.
Trump described his flip-flopping as being flexible. It is easy to see why Trump has been avoiding Megyn Kelly. She has owned Donald Trump during this debate. As bad as the video proof of his flip-flops was, Kelly’s later destruction of Trump on the Trump University case was worse. Megyn Kelly did what Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich can’t do. She ate Donald Trump for lunch.
Kelly seems to have Trump’s number, and thanks to her position as the future of Fox News, she can go after the Republican frontrunner in a way that other members of the corporate media are terrified to attempt. Donald Trump is having a bad night, and Megyn Kelly is a big reason why.

Primary Source:
Fox News
Secondary Source:

Thursday, 3 March 2016

UNIZIK Awka Loses 500 Levl Med Student to Gas Explosion

Recall the story published earlier by this blog on a gas explosion at the College of Health Sciences, Nnewi which killed one Radiography intern and injured 3 medical students with one severely burnt.

News has it that one of the survivors, Uchenna Ogbu (Urchman) has lost the battle for survival as he died yesterday. Uche is a 500 level medical student and contested for the presidency of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Medical Students Association (NAUMSA) presidential Elections.

Many of his friends have taken to various social media platforms to mourn the demise of Urchman.

R.I.P Great Friend.

Sourced from.


14-yr-old Ese Oruru 5 Months Pregnant

14-yr-old Ese Oruru 5 months pregnant

“My son never slept with Ese “ Yunsa's Father.

 Ese Rita Oruru, the Delta State-born girl-child, resident in Bayelsa, who was abducted by Yunusa Dahiru, alias Yellow, but rescued by the Police in Kano, has been discovered to be about five months pregnant. Ese Rita Oruru, arrived Yenagoa yesterday and she is presently quartered at the police officers mess Yenagoa. She came in company of her mother, Mrs Rose Oruru and securirity escorts who drove them quietly to the Offciers Mess.
Yunusa Yellow and Ese Oruru
Yunusa Yellow and Ese Oruru

Dahiru Bala, the biological father of Yunusa, declared, yesterday, that his son never Slept with Ese Oruru because of embedded contraption highly offensive to his religion.

Yunusa Father


Yunusa’s Father Dahiru in an exclusive interview with Vanguard at his country home, Kauyen Tofa in Kura local government area of kano State, said: “There was no marriage between my son and Ese Oruru due to contradiction and illegality involved. “The love relationship between my son and Ese was built on obliviousness of their religious backgrounds which made it difficult for anyone to support their marriage proposal.”Dahiru Bala, 55, disclosed that traditional authorities were fully briefed about an impending illegality when his son, Yunusa, who he said was 25, informed him of his decision to elope with her lover. “I promptly reported the matter to the village head and on their arrival, they were taken to his home, who in turn reported to the District Head at Kura, headquarters of Kura local government area.“Yunusa was a house help to Oruru’s family for 10 years and when he told me of his love relationship with Ese, I opposed it because we already have a proposal for him in the village.“Sequel to the request of Ese, she was converted to Islam on the order of the District Head before he was taken to the Emir’s palace for his final say.”The farmer said that on arrival at the Emir’s palace, a senior counsellor who took the brief, summoned the Sharia Commission to take custody of Ese Oruru till the following day when the emir would be available. Shedding more light on the Yunusa/Ese Oruru love saga, Dahiru Bala disclosed that the emir, who subsequently met with them, ordered the Sharia commission to liaise with the Assistant Inspector General of Police, Zone 1 to return her home with immediate effect. According to Yunusa’s father, “the much anticipated return of Ese Oruru to Bayelsa was truncated by her when she broke down in the AIG’s office and raised safety questions to her life back home. Subsequently, the move was halted to pave way for investigation”.The suspect’s father, who was surrounded by his village men during the encounter, said “the last we heard of Ese Oruru was that she was in custody of Sharia commission, who kept her in the home of the District Head at Kura.”

Primary Source: Vanguard News



Idoma Indigene Takes Protest to National Assembly over Agatu Killings

Idoma indigene takes protest to National Assembly over Agatu killings

Following the killings in Agatu Local Government in Benue State by suspected Fulani herdsmen, a coalition of civil society groups from the state, has taken massive protest down to the National Assembly lamenting and protesting against the cruel destruction of lives and properties, and called for immediate deployment of soldiers and policemen to the area to maintain law and order

Agatu-Idoma indigene protesting the killings of their relatives by Fulani herdsmen.

Coordinator of the groups, Paul Ede who led others to express their grievances, said the killings in Agatu by suspected herdsmen had continued for weeks, and claimed that 400 persons had lost their lives to the invaders. Ede who also claimed that there was a humanitarian crisis in the area, lamented that 5, 000 persons had been rendered homeless, however demanded that the federal government set up a commission of inquiry to find out the remote and immediate cause of the crisis. The protesters also demanded for an immediate deployment of security operatives to Agatu to maintain law and order, pleading for relief materials to be sent to the internally-displaced persons in the town, Addressing the protesters, Deputy Majority leader of the Senate, Bala Ibn Na’ Allah, who assured them that the senate would look into their demands, said,” As far as the senate is concerned an injury to one Idoma man is an injury to all. We are with you 100 percent in the protest. We will take these demands back to senate and decision will be taken on them.”Other senators who received the protesters were Senators Stella Oduah, PDP, Anambra North; Dino Melaye, APC, Kogi West and Binta Garba, APC, Adamawa North. Earlier, the protesters, had marched to the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, and the ministry of justice where they demanded that the government should urgently intervene in the crisis.

Primary Source: Vanguard News